Salon and Spa Equipment | Sanitize, Disinfect, and Sterilize

“Salon and Spa Equipment | Sanitize, Disinfect, and Sterilize” are three important forms of cleaning that are extremely important in the salon and spa industry.

As a matter of fact, this industry stands to suffer if they’re not compliant with these three elements of cleanliness. Some salons and spas do not follow proper protocol in this regard.

And although they seem to be flourishing, clients are prone to get infections. As such, there will definitely be a decline. Most of these salons and spas are known for their quick service.

As a result, clients who are in a hurry prefer to crowd these establishments. And despite their waiting in line or in the chair for an available technician, they are out the door in a short space of time.

However, time will tell as some of these clients develop fungi and other infections. Subsequently, they give up on visiting these salons for continued services.

It’s unfair to salons and spas that sanitize, disinfect, and sterilize in accordance to stringent guidelines. Subsequently, they too suffer as a result of the bad reputation from others.


Salon and Spa Equipment | Threats Facing Clients

There has been several outbreaks of infections, especially in nail salons. One example was an outbreak of mycobacteria in whirlpool footbaths in California in 2000. This changed the future of how salons operate.

As a result, the regulatory authorities had to put stringent measures in place. They demanded operators to take the health of their clients seriously.

Each state has its own regulations. However, there are certain guidelines that they have to incorporate. Salon and spa owners face fines and the possibility of losing their licenses. Hence, they have to comply to stay in business.

These are serious consequences and send a strong message to everyone in the industry.

In addition, surprise inspection visits are likely to catch non-compliant operators off guard. So, they are more careful not to cut corners.

Let’s look at definitions and steps to sanitize, disinfect, and sterilize.

Clean and Sanitize | Definition and Steps

There’s one step, however, that comes before sanitizing and it’s cleaning. Cleaning requires surfaces to be free from all visible signs of debris. For example, washing with soap and water.

This allows chemicals used to sanitize to work more effectively. Otherwise, the process could be compromised. Sometimes cleaning and sanitizing are used interchangeably.

A brief definition of sanitizing means a method used to reduce the number of microorganisms to a safe level. This is done by using heat or chemicals. And this process comes before disinfecting.

For example, a nail specialist completes services on a client’s feet. She uses a whirlpool spa to do a pedicure. Additionally, she has to consider the tools or implements she uses.

Here’s a list and first steps required between clients:

  • Toe nail clipper: Clean this and all non-porous tool with soap and water to remove debris.
  • Emery board: These are porous for single use only. Therefore, discard them after each client.  Wash or wipe the handle of those that use a replaceable board before replacing the board.
  • Buffer: These are also single-use items.
  • Nail file: Clean electronic files without immersing them in water. However, discard the tips. Also, wash metal manual files with soap and water before disinfecting.
  • Foot file: Apply the same rules for porous or non-porous tools.
  • Nipper: This is a non-porous item.
  • Cuticle stick: Some cuticle sticks are made from wood. On the other hand, some are plastic, while others are metal. Wood sticks are single use. But, wash plastic and metal ones before disinfecting
  • Whirlpool Spa or other Foot Bath: There are different types of foot spas. And they require careful attention. The whirlpool types have a set of instructions to follow. However, the first step is cleaning with soap and water.
Pedicure Tools

Salon and Spa | Disinfect Definition and Next Steps

Everything that isn’t porous and single-use items require the next step or two. For example, some can only withstand the disinfection process. On the other hand, others will need both steps.

This stage usually requires a chemical for disinfection. The focus is to destroy all potential pathogens.

Types of Disinfections

  • Wet disinfection container: It’s important to fully immerse tools in a disinfection container large enough to hold them. The container must have a lid to prevent contamination.
  • Hospital level disinfectants:
    • Bacterial: This type of disinfectant destroys bacteria.
    • Virucidal: These are effect against viruses.
    • Fungucidal: Fungi have a slim chance of surviving in this type of disinfectant.
    • Pseudomonacidal: Finally, this kills pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria.
  • Environment Protection Agency (EPA) approved disinfectants: The EPA must approve these disinfectants.
  • Quats: Quaternary ammonium compounds are antibacterials that are certified by the EPA. They are used to sanitize of disinfect non-porous surfaces to kill microorganisms or render viruses inactive. Clean surfaces first.

Disinfectants are effective again most types of microorganisms. On the contrary, they are ineffective against spores. But, sterilization will destroy them.

Be sure to sanitize and disinfect chairs, countertops, and other surfaces in between clients. This is also mandatory at the end of service every day.

Salon and Spa | Sterilize Definition and Final Steps

To sterilize means to eradicate or eliminate all microbial life. This is done by using heat or pressure or both in some cases. Salon and spas do not require the same level of sterilization as hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

However, it’s important to sterilize tools and implements that penetrate the skin or become contaminated with blood.

For example, an electrologist uses probes that penetrate below the surface of the skin. Therefore, she’s required to sterilize all multi-use implements that have the potential to be in contact with blood.

These items are usually hard non-porous materials. However, some other materials such as fabric may also be sterilized.

Not all materials that are sterilized can stand up to the process over long periods of time. They will begin to show signs of deterioration at some point.

Of course, they must be able to withstand the sterilization process. And, this is one way to prevent the transmission of microorganisms.

Steam sterilization is very common, inexpensive, and preferred to other types of sterilization in many cases. An autoclave is a good example. There are four elements involved in the process. These are steam, pressure, temperature, and time.

They must be regulated according to the correct proportions in order to be effective. Furthermore, this method is effective against all types of microorganisms including spores.

UV Sterilizer on a Multifunctional Facial Machine

Protect Your Clients | Operate in Integrity

Clients want to know they can feel safe in the salon and spa. And, they rely on owners and technicians to operate in integrity. Trust is very important in any kind of relationship.

They expect to have a clean and relaxing environment without the fear of contracting diseases. As such, it’s in everyone’s best interest to pay attention to specific guidelines.

Licensing organizations enforce these guidelines. And, they conduct inspections to ensure compliance. Moreover, owners will face fines when they’re in violation. Furthermore, they run the risk of losing their licenses to operate.

Likewise, workers aren’t exempt from these penalties. And, they must ensure their licenses are up to date. Most importantly, they should be careful to follow all protocols for the safety of the people they serve.

What experiences have you had in this area? Are you an owner, specialist, or client? We would like to here from you as your voice can make a difference.

I hope you find value in “Salon and Spa Equipment | Sanitize, Disinfection, and Sterilize.” Please feel free to leave your comments and questions below. I will be happy to address them.

Veron | Entrepreneur | The Way 4WordEnterprises


What to Buy Review | Footsie Bath Footbath Plus Spa

It’s not your ordinary footbath. The Footsie Bath Footbath Plus Spa is an “open concept” that accommodates just about everyone’s feet. There’s no separation in the middle.


My first physical encounter with this product was at beauty school as a nail technician student. And we had the opportunity to use this convenient and efficient footbath to do pedicures.

It eliminated the need and time to clean a foot spa while dismissing our clients’ sanitation concerns. In contrast, regular whirlpools and other foot baths were more time consuming.

After graduating, I decided to purchase one for myself, and secured one right away. That was 2012!

(As an Amazon Associate, I earn on qualifying purchases.)

Overall Features | Just the Basics

Name: Footsie Bath Footbath Plus Spa

Sold By: Amazon

Price: The price is subject to change.

Manufacturer: Footsie Bath

Color: Black

Overall Rank: 10 out of 10 (My personal ranking!)

Footsie Bath Footbath Plus Spa | Product Overview

Top 10 features:

  1. Wide, 6″ deep bucket with no partition in the middle
  2. And disposable liner
  3. Also a basket to hold the liner
  4. Durable material
  5. And Lightweight
  6. Heat only setting to maintain the temperature of the water you begin with.
  7. Vibrate only setting
  8. In addition to heat and vibrate setting
  9. Plus retractable cord
  10. You also get complimentary liners!


Take a look at the benefits:

  1. A wide and deep bucket with no partition in the middle accommodates most size feet comfortably.
  2. And disposable liners eliminate the need to sanitize between users. As a result, everyone gets a liner without the fear of being infected. And, it saves time too!
  3. The basket holds the liner in place, so this makes it easy to carry when filled with water.
  4. A sturdy material lengthens the life of your footbath. That is true if it is handle with care.
  5. And, there’s no need to strain your back with a heavy unit because this lightweight product is compact for your comfort.
  6. Fill the liner with water at the temperature you want. Subsequently, it will maintain that temperature with the heat setting. Cold water will NOT magically get hot.
  7. The vibrate only setting will provide you with a delightful spa-like experience.
  8. Keep the temperature stable while enjoying the vibration for a therapeutic effect.
  9. No one likes to have cumbersome cords hanging around when a gadget is not in use. For that reason, your Footsie Bath cord is retractable at the base.
  10. Finally, test drive your product right away with complimentary liners. In that case, you don’t have to purchase those immediately!

Here’s a bonus…

The Footsie Bath Foot Spa has won multiple awards for its design and functionality.

Who Gets This? | You, for Your Salon or Home.

Are you the owner of a salon or spa or thinking of going into business for yourself? Or maybe you want to pamper yourself in the comfort of your own home just because you can.

Yes, you can own this! It’s versatile enough to be used wherever you choose to because it’s portability as a stand-alone footbath. And, if you operate a mobile pedicure salon, this is perfect for you on the go.

Some beauty schools, salon and spa owners enclose their footbath as part of the pedicure chair and footrest. This makes it convenient when portability is not your objective.

Not only that, it’s more compact and time saving than a traditional foot spa with the same effectiveness.

Add whatever you like to enhance the experience for yourself or your clients. That’s because it eliminates the excessive cleaning and scrubbing afterwards.

What Others Are Saying | Footsie Bath Reviews

The Footsie Bath Footbath gets a 4.2 out of 5 rating on by other purchasers. Some comments are:


  • It works well with a professional pedicure chair.
  • Furthermore, you can use whatever additives for a spa experience.
  • And there are no jets to get clogged.
  • The liners make it more sanitary than a traditional foot spa or home footbath.
  • And the basket keeps the liner stable.
  • Also, the bucket is a good size.


  • Heating isn’t effective. (This is not accurate as the instruction clearly states starting with the right temperature suitable to you. And the heat setting will maintain the heat throughout the service.)
  • Also, it’s pricey.

I personally have no issue whatsoever with this product, and I’m very pleased with it.


Footsie Bath Footbath | Is It Right for You?

Let me recap…

This footbath spa is convenient in several ways for home, salon, or spa. There is a great concern about sanitation in a setting where several people are using the same item for their pedicure needs.

The design, functionality, and ease of using this product take away the fear. Therefore, clients will return to pamper their feet. Also, caring for your feet at home has become less cumbersome than using a regular footbath.

Most importantly, pay attention to instructions on any product you are buying, as this could help to prevent disappointments. For example, the heat setting works ONLY with keeping water at the right temperature to start with.

Is the Footsie Bath Footbath right for you? You decide. CLICK HERE to head over to for more details and to make your purchase.

(As an Amazon Associate, I earn on qualifying purchases.)

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions below and I will be happy to address them.

Veron | Entrepreneur | The Way 4WordEnterprises


About My Website | Salon and Spa Equipment Review

Welcome to my Salon and Spa Equipment Review website. This is where I  share information on equipment and supplies, focusing on hair removal, skincare and nails.


My Hair, Skin, and Nails Story | Salon and Spa

My passion started initially with skincare. Later, I felt the calling to do nails … feet in particular, and became a licensed nail specialist first.

As I was about to do my skincare training, I discovered electrology and decided to become a licensed electrologist.

It made perfect sense to add laser hair removal specialist also as it was closely related.

If you have concerns about superfluous hair growth, skincare needs, or just want to pamper your feet, I’m excited to help!

The Educator in Me Needs a Platform. | This is It!

I spend my entire life taking courses, being a perpetual student … because I love it! I am passionate about educating others. My love for writing supersedes everything else.

It is only fitting that since I’m committed to continuing education, I pass on that knowledge to others in the industry. With this platform, I can share the results of my research while enjoying what I love to do best.

Hopefully, this will be beneficial because of the work I put in upfront. We all need a helping hand in every area of our lives. If I can make a difference, I will. This is my way of giving back.

Narrowing My Focus | Hair, Skin, and Nails.

The salon and spa industry is a very broad niche. I believe I can be of more value to my readers by addressing a smaller niche while staying in my “lane”… hair removal, skincare, and nails.

These are the areas I’m most knowledgeable in. Some of the equipment I have been familiar with and have used in training or with my own clientele.

My goal is to help other licensed professionals make the right decision when purchasing for their businesses or personal use.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to address them.

All the best,

Veron Percy-Jarrett | Entrepreneur | The Way 4WordEnterprises
